Zoom has released the May 2024 release notes.

Date of activationMay 20, 2024
Link to Zoom Events Release Noteshttps://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0066826
Link to Daily Release Note for Activation Dayhttps://support.zoom.com/hc/en/article?id=zm_kb&sysparm_article=KB0075505
Note: The direct link to the Release notes for Events and Sessions bullet item is broken as of May 22.
Link to Zoom Events Office Hours recording of Release Notes Walkthroughhttps://events.zoom.us/ev/AsQzWTUxQxMBZsv26pK7q_SzZyD4wddkx1FO2UJjYERicKHtqOB8~AlYkCRfWvY9-kX-gncKnQLB3qyZF-07Q1s96hfi2MbwWH631y-Df4g4sIg
Note: Requires registration, if you are not already registered to the Zoom Events Training and Enablement Hub “Office Hours” Event.

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